Children’s Books for Kids Anticipating a New Sibling Via Adoption or Foster Care

This is the type of book that I get asked about the most. Firstly, I would direct you to the books that I think every adoptive family should own (find them here) or that every foster family should own (find the link here) whichever applies to you. I think it’s never too early for your kids to start learning about adoption and their new siblings’ connection to their birth family. These books won’t give your family all the answers, or offer pat explainations, but rather are meant to serve you as tools for ongoing, healthy dialogue about the immense complexities of adoption.

Next, here are some books that I like that address the waiting and wondering about a new sibling joining your family via adoption. I do not own rights to or offer any type of guarantee for these purchases, however, purchasing through these links allows me to keep reviewing new books and searching for these books with you. I hope your family enjoys these as you eagerly anticipate the arrival of a precious new member.

secular, Korean adoption
secular, older child adoption
secular, Chinese and Haitian adoption

secular, foster care

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