Children’s Books for Every Foster Family

Foster families are unique. And it’s important that kids in your care have tools and language to process and talk about their unique living situation. None of the issues surrounding foster care are simple, but these books help give kids some of the language and ideas they need to help them understand life when it’s confusing.

This page is filled with books that I recommend so you know when you click a link that it is for a book that I truly believe will be of benefit to you. I do not own rights to or offer any type of guarantee for these purchases, however, purchasing through these links allows me to keep reviewing new books. I hope your family is able to use these books for kids both in care and those who live permanently in your home.

secular (multi-racial)
secular (multi-racial)
secular (trans-racial)
secular (muli-racial)
secular (for teens and up)
Secular, white mom and white child

secular, diverse race and gender of characters

secular, non-specific foster theme

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