Parenting Books for Every Family

As foster and adoptive families, we know that the unique challenges and opportunities require that we parent intentionally and compassionately, with our child’s needs in mind. Parenting is hard no matter what, but when we add the losses of adoption, and other trauma our children may have experienced, we have even more need to educate ourselves on how to serve our children best. These resources will help you as you seek to understand your adoptee and parent them according to their current needs, rather than the traditional methods we have relied on in the past.

This page is filled with books that I have read and fully recommend for your parenting journey- when you click a link, it is for a book that I truly believe will be of benefit to you. I do not own rights to or offer any type of guarantee for these purchases, however, purchasing through these links allows me to keep reviewing new books to benefit your family and other’s like you. It is our deepest prayer that these books would offer hope, healing and truth for you family like they have for ours.

secular, AP written

secular, good for extended family

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